Frequently Asked Questions:
What would I receive?
Two meals a day Monday through Friday – a hot lunch and a cold sack meal for dinner – along with a friendly visit from a Meals on Wheels volunteer. Service is not available on the weekends or on major holidays.
What are other benefits?
Meals on Wheels helps people maintain their independence and cuts health care costs by allowing our clients to remain in the comfort of their own homes.
Who is eligible?
Bloomington Meals on Wheels delivers within the city limits to people who are unable to prepare meals for themselves due to chronic illness, advanced age, or disability. Many clients depend upon the service long-term. Others need the service temporarily as they recover from a hospital stay or illness.
How do I sign up?
Just call 812-355-8224 and leave a message with our answering service. Our client coordinator will call you back within 24 hours to begin the application process.
What about special diets?
Meals on Wheels can accommodate a variety of special diets, such as low-sodium or diabetic. Meals are prepared according to your doctor’s written dietary prescription in local health care facilities under the supervision of registered dieticians.
Do I need a dietary prescription?
Yes. Your physician must provide a diet prescription listing any dietary restrictions, even for a regular diet. We must have this on file before your service can begin. We offer the following diets: Regular, High Calorie, 45 gr carbohydrate, 60 gr carbohydrate, 75 gr carbohydrate, Heart Healthy, and Low Sodium.
What is the cost?
$12.00 per person per day. Two weeks is the minimum length of service we are able to offer. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.
What do meals include?
The two meals we deliver provide two-thirds of your daily nutritional needs. A typical hot meal would include a meat entrée, potato, vegetable, salad, milk and dessert. A sack lunch would likely include a sandwich, salad, fruit or juice, bread and butter.
When are meals delivered?
Between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. We cannot guarantee delivery times, but please be assured that we are trying to get your meals to you as quickly as possible.
What if I will not be home at delivery time?
Please leave a clean cooler with a cold ice pack next to your front door. If you do not answer the door and no cooler is outside, your emergency contact will also be notified that you did not answer the door.
How do I pay for meals?
Bills are mailed the first Friday of the month. You may return your payment by mail or give your payment to your volunteer driver to return to the MOW office. Arrangements are available to bill a family member or friend. We do not accept payment by credit card.
When is payment due?
Payment is due upon receipt of your monthly billing.
What if I have a complaint?
If you are dissatisfied with your meals, please call us at 812-822-2499 and we will make every effort to resolve the problem.
How do I cancel meal delivery?
Please call us at 812-822-2499 between 9 am. and 5 p.m. Give us 2 business days to avoid having to pay for that day’s meals. Please do not ask the volunteer driver to cancel your meals. Meals will not be automatically cancelled after your first two weeks; you must call to cancel.
When was Bloomington Meals on Meals started?
Meals on Wheels has been providing nutritious meals and personal contact for homebound people since 1974 and has served more than half a million meals in the Bloomington area.
How is Meals on Wheels funded?
Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization and receives monetary support from individual donations and grants which help to subsidize our program, keep our meals affordable and allow us to serve more clients.
For further details or an information packet, please contact us at 812-822-2499 or by email at [email protected]