“Thank you for helping feed our mother…when she returned home after brain surgery, the meals you brought her each weekday, along with your cheerful smiles, warm hugs, and friendly words helped her recover and thrive in the years when she could no longer work or drive. Angels on on your team!!” ~Family member of MOW client
From our Volunteers:
“As a Meals on Wheels volunteer I not only bring food to the home bound, I bring them a heartfelt smile that brightens up both of our days. What can be more rewarding?” ~Kathleen, 4-year volunteer
“I value the community service I provide volunteering at MOW. The example I’m setting for my children by this type of giving is a way to pass this legacy on to them.” ~Tim K., 2 year volunteer
“Meals on Wheels offers me an opportunity to contribute to the community in a way that works with my lifestyle. Once or twice a month for a couple of hours is an ideal way for me to contribute without feeling like I have to give up other important aspects of my life. ” ~Denise, 3-year volunteer
“We have enjoyed our sixteen years delivering Meals on Wheels. What a wonderful feeling knowing you are helping someone have a better day.” ~Charlie & Mary
“I was looking for someway to give back to the community and being a car guy, my wife said, how about Meals on Wheels? So here I am a couple of years later, enjoying the camaraderie and the satisfaction of providing a much needed service.” ~Tucker M., 2-year volunteer